Ciprofloxacin in multi-resistant infections in childhood: An audit


Ciprofloxacin is a new orally administrable fluoroquinolones, with considerable efficacy against multiresistant organisms. Its use in the paediatric age group however, is controversial because of the risk of potential articular toxicity. We retrospectively reviewed ciprofloxacin usage over a 32 week periods (June, 1991-September, 1993) in paediatric inpatients at The Aga Khan University Hospital. Ciprofloxacin was used in 21 cases, singly in 11 (52%) and in combination with other antibiotics in a further 10 (48%). The response to therapy was adjudged as \u27good\u27 or \u27fair\u27 in 13 (62%) cases. Ciprofloxacin was the only sensitive antibiotic in 4 (19%) and resistance to it was detected in another 4 (19%) cases. Despite all efforts, adequate follow-up could only be achieved in a third of the patients. Although no toxic or side effects were detected, in view of poor follow-up and emergence of ciprofloxacin resistant strains, our experience highlights the need to regulate ciprofloxacin use in the paediatric age group

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