A framework for cyclical nursing curriculum review across multi-site and multi-country campuses


Cyclical curriculum review and continuous course improvement is an unarguable measure of quality nursing education. Higher education and professional regulators across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and African (Afro) regions are increasingly mandating cyclical review within accreditation and programme approval standards. Many nursing education providers in the region operate multi-site and multi-country campuses. A key challenge is to ensure that programmes keep pace with international standards in nursing education, and, that inter-campus drift does not occur in programme content and quality. Cyclical review offers a process whereby programmes can be updated to current best practice and consistent cross-campus standards can be maintained. The review process described in this presentation arises from a Aga Khan University project designed to review the status of courses within its post registration RN to BScN programme. The University operates four direct delivery sites in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Pakistan and provides mentoring support to programmes in Upper Egypt and Mozambique. The project sought to assess currency of course content and develop a nursing course review framework for use by any educational provider involved in multi-campus programme delivery. The approach engaged an expert review team including internal and globally sourced external experts. The team involved subject experts and curriculum development and pedagoloical experts. Key foci of the review framework are described including; expected student outcomes, learning objectives, content inclusions, assessment items, and, teaching/learning resources. The review framework is of practical use to other educators involved in the review of course modules across multi-campus, multi-state, multi-emirate and/or multi-country settings

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