Rhodes University, Institute of Social and Economic Research
The purpose of the study was to collect some preliminary information in advance of the inauguration of a new educational project at Fort Hare University which, under the guidance of a new Vice-Chancellor, Dr. S.M.E. Bengu, is forging for itself a new course of development as a people's University. The new project arises out of a report prepared by the International Extension College for the University of Fort Hare. The hope is that a number of innovations can be introduced into adult education in the Eastern Cape which will prove of value in meeting the needs of people living in different kinds of localities. The planning will begin in the early winter, as soon as staff have assembled, and as soon as Dr. David Warr, the international consultant to the project, is in post. It seemed sensible to conduct, in advance, one of the surveys which will be needed to underpin plans. To do this at short notice and complete it in a short time (the work did not commence until February, 1992) the best course was to rely on an experienced team from a neighbouring University, Rhodes, which had already conducted surveys in different districts within the Eastern Cape, and to bring in further support from the University of NatalDigitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER