
RBR thermistors array for AOB2


SiPLAB Report 04/06, FCT, University of Algarve,2006.This report describes an electronic circuit board for interfacing the RBR thermistor chain manufactured by Richard Bracker Research, Ontario (Canada), with the Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy (version 2) - AOB2. The interface consists on a set of bridge amplifiers and associated electronics for converting the NTC thermistor signals into temperature related values in the data acquisition CPU control of the AOB2. With this board the temperature measured along the RBR thermistor chain array can be monitored on real time together with the acoustic data via the wireless lan network to which the AOB2 is associated.This work was partially supported by projects RADAR (POCTI/CTA/47719/2002), UAB (POCI/MAR/59008/2004) and NUACE (POSI/CPS/47824/2002) from FCT, Portugal

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