
Silurian to Lower Devonian Palynomorphs from the Barrancos region, Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal


New miospore results were obtained from the Palaeozoic stratigraphic succession present in the Barrancos region, Portugal. The studied formations comprise the Silurian carbonaceous shales intercalated with cherts and rare lenticular carbonates of the Xistos com Nódulos Formation, as well as, the dark shales that alternates with thin psammit beds of Late Silurian to Early Devonian age from the Xistos Raiados Formation. Two miospore biozones were identified: the cf. protophanus verrucatus Miospore Biozone, of the Lower Wenlock (Homerian) (Richardson &McGregor, 1986) and the Verrucosisporites polygonalis (Po)Miospore Biozone of the Lower Pragian (Streel et al., 1987). For the first time cryptospores are reported. Rare acritarchs and chitinozoans are also present. This new preliminary data allow correlation with the graptolite biozonation already established in this region (Piçarra, et al., 1995, 1998; Piçarra, 2000) and completes previous palynological studies (Pereira et al., 1999). Even so, detailed palynostratigraphic research is needed and is currently being undertaken to better understand the complex geology of the region

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