
Duration of Effectiveness of Permethrin-Treated Clothing to Prevent Mosquito Bites Under Simulated Conditions


Presented for World Environmental Health Day, September 26, 2016 in Greenville, North Carolina.Biological hazards such as exposure to ticks and mosquitoes can affect worker health. Permethrin is a repellant/insecticide approved for human use by the Environmental Protection Agency. Permethrin-treated clothing is commercially available to the public. Permethrin-treated clothing (50% cotton/50% nylon) has been shown to retain repellency through 70 washings. Work attire differs between state and consulting foresters, park rangers, etc.; hence, variation in protection from vector borne disease may existThis study was funded by the Southeast Center for Agricultural Health and Injury Prevention (# 3049025288-14-060)

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