Astronomy development and film making in the Karoo


The Square Kilometre Array when completed will be the largest radio telescope in the world. The core of the African part of the array will be located in South Africa in the Karoo Desert. The town closest to the core is Carnarvon, the capitol of the Kareeberg Municipality. SKA ≥ Karoo Radio Telescope is a documentary film that captures the hopes and dreams of the people living near the SKA core and a variety of SKA stakeholders. The film is an experimental form of research ethnography centered around a set of hypotheses that were tested through the interviews conducted for the documentary. For example, one of the hypotheses was that the long term beneficiaries of the SKA will be the astronomers regardless of their proximity to Carnarvon, and that those beneficiaries would have very weak to non– existent ties to Carnarvon or that region of the Karoo Desert. Another hypothesis was that the people of Carnarvon would not have a clear understanding of the nature of astronomy development projects in contrast to traditional development projects. Transcripts from film clips are used to illustrate the „answers" to these hypotheses and other tensions surrounding the SKA. Finally, the title tries to capture the pride and sense of ownership that people in the region and South Africa have towards the SKA, but it is much more than a regional or national telescope

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