Research report series, no. 2


Today, the west bank of the Buffalo River is a well-established industrial area. At the centre of this industrial complex is the Mercedes Benz South Africa production plant. Yet, over 40 years ago on the production site of this world reknowned motor manufacturer there was a small urban location which housed approximately 7000 African and Coloured residents. The village was known as Nongqongqo. According to Tankard (1990) it was the “original village and first official location of East London” and served primarily as a source of labour for workshops, transport and packing concerns in the East London harbour. The village, which was also known as the West Bank Location, was a stable and peaceful community that accommodated an ethnically mixed community of Xhosa, Fingoes (Mfengu), Pondos, Zulus, Sothos and so-called Coloured people. In 1965, the tranquillity of everyday life in this seaside village came to a rude and abrupt end when government bulldozers and trucks moved in to demolish the village. The inhabitants were forcibly resettled on the east bank of the Buffalo River and in the fledgling township of Mdantsane in the Ciskei. The removals were undertaken in accordance with the terms of the Bantu Administration Act No. 25 of 1945, Population Registration Act of 1950 and Group Areas Act of 1952 (cf. Booysen, 1995). The aim of this report is to investigate the social and historical circumstances that surrounded the destruction of this once vibrant seaside village. This report forms part of a process through which approximately 1400 original residents of Nongqongqo are seeking restitution for losses they incurred during this removal in terms of the Restitution of Land Rights Act of 1994. This report seeks to contribute to this process by contextualising the Nongqongqo removal within an historical understanding of the management of black urbanization in East London and by investigating the specific social, economic and political circumstances that led to the deproclamation of this location. However, in order to understand the impact of the removals, the article also attempts to reconstruct from oral and documentary sources a profile of the West Bank community in the years preceding the removal. Although the historical material on West Bank is sketchy, we have managed to assemble data that allows us to build up a fairly comprehensive socio-economic profile and residential arrangements in this community in 1955. This exercise in historical reconstruction, we believe, is essential for a meaningful assessment of the significance of the removals for those involved. In the final part of the article we begin to assess and aggregate the emotional, social and economic costs of the removals for the people of Nongqongqo.Digitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER

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