Study on solids translational and rotational motions in rotating cans


AbstractStudy on translational and rotational motion of solids is important in a wide range of engineering processes. However, rotational motion of solid particles in an opaque system has not been given much attention due to the lack of appropriate measurement methods. This paper presents a new technique, Multiple-Positron Emission Particle Tracking (Multiple-PEPT), to track both rotational and translational motions of a solid simultaneously. The sample study presented here is to track the rotation and translation of a cubed potato in a food can for optimising the canned food process. The results have demonstrated that the rotational and transitional motion of the cubed potato can be simultaneously tracked through mounting three small (200 microns) radioactive tracers on the cube corners. The rotation and translation of the cube can be reconstructed based on the trajectories of the three tracers. The translational and rotational motions of the potato particle are related to each other, and both the motions are greatly dependent on the solids fraction, the liquid viscosity and the density difference between the solid and liquid; but follow specific patterns

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