The role off hospital ordely in oxygenotherapy: narrative literature review


Introduction: Oxygen terapy is the administration of O2, in concentrations hagler than those in ambient air. Objetctive: the purpose of is the study of lietrature review was to know the avaliable cientifc prodution about the importance of the role of nurses and ther actions regarding oxygen therapy. Method: the is research of narrative review of the literature, carried out through search in the virtual database and articles, of systematized sources that contemplated the theme of study, using the descriptors: oxygen therapy, nursing and knowledge. A total of 31 articles, published between the year of 2004 and 2015, were selected, as well as the search for books that were avaliable in the Maria da Penha Lenci Campos library of the Facuty of Biomedical Science of Cacoal / FACIMED. Results: the results were systematized and analyzed so the it can contribute to the strengthenig of nurses knowledge regarding oxygen therapy care and its applicability. Conclusion: it was evidenced the necessity of conduction new research works the address the role of nurses and nursing care regarding non-invasive methods of oxygen

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