Quantification of cinnarizine and dimenhydrinate in tablet dosage form by simultaneous equation spectrophotometric method


Simple, accurate, precise, reproducible, requiring no prior separation and economical procedures for simultaneous estimation of Cinnarizine(CNZ) and Dimenhydrinate(DMH) in tablet dosage form have been developed. Method employs formation and solving of simultaneous equation using 250 nm and 277 nm as two analytical wavelengths for both drugs in methanol. CNZ and DMH at their respective ? max 250 nm and 277 nm shows linearity in a concentration range of 2-12 ?g /ml and 10-35 ?g /ml. Recovery studies for CNZ 98.9-100.75% and 96.16-100.69% for DMH in case of simultaneous equation method confirming the accuracy of the proposed method. The proposed method is recommended for routine analysis since it is rapid, simple, accurate and also sensitive and specific

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