Maloclussion patterns in physically, auditory and visually handicapped patients in Republic of Moldova


Department of Dental propedeutics Pavel Godoroja, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. The main problems of orthodontics from Republic of Moldova is to determine either the genetics or enviromental factors influence the development of malocclusions Aim of the study. The purpose of the study is to determine the prevalence of maloclusion in children with special needs and relation with neurological disorders in the process of social behavoir of children. Materials and methods. It was examined 2057 children with special needs (physically, visually, auditory, others) aged between 7-15 from diferent orphaned school from Republic of Moldova. Clinical examination of children included: disponsable dental mirror, chemical pencil, wooden spatula, calipser, portable light. Control group were selected 1345 children from normal school who did not have any neurological disorders and treatment of maloclusions. Results. In sagital plan maloclusion was associated with 69 (9,75%) cases with auditory handicapped, 74(14,8%) children with visually handicapped, but in 33(18,33%) - with physically handicapped children. Mostly, malocclusion have been detected in physically handicapped children in vertical and transversal plan. Malocclusion varied in boys between 58,8% and 63,89% and in girls between 36,11% and 41,21%. The most affected age is 12-15 in visually handicapped children, 9-12 – auditory handicapped children and 7-9 age- in physically handicapped children. Conclusions. Auditory, visually and physically disorders can be considered as key predictors and risk factors in appearance of malocclusion in children. Children with special needs may be treated according to the age and the nature of maloclusions

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