In-stent restenosis in the drug eluting stent assayed by optical coherence tomography


Hospital of Holy Pope Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy, Department of Interventional Cardiology, Institute of Cardiology, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: In order to study the mechanisms and morphological aspects of the in-stent restenosis (ISR) have been evaluated restenosis lesions referred to drug eluting stent (DES) of the first generation using optical coherence tomography technique (OCT). Material and methods: The study underwent 39 patients with ISR induced recurrent angina or acute coronary syndrome including 66 stents from which were: 44 stents (28 patients) of the first generation of DES (19 – Cypher TM and 23 – Taxus®), and 22 stents (11 patients) of the second DES generation (9 Xience TM 2 Promus TM), 10 ZES (Resolute TM), and one stent Nobori TM. Has been made quantitative and morphological analysis of tissue pattern of ISR using the following OCT criteria: 1) morphologically homogenous neointima; 2)morphologically heterogeneous neointima; and 3) neoatherosclerosis. Results: It has been established that in the first generation of DES morphological homogenous pattern was present in both ISR developed after 1 year and later. However, the optical aspect with heterogeneous presentation had a prevalence decline in dynamics. The heterogeneous model had a higher prevalence in actual generation of DES in both incipient (< 1 year) and late presentation. Conclusions: The phenomenon of neoatherosclerosis has presented a significantly less frequency in the late restenosis of actual generation of DES. Our results suggest that restenosis phenomenon in actual generation of DES has a different morphological and evolution pattern in time in comparison with ISR of the first generation of DES

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