
Accurate Feature Extraction and Control Point Correction for Camera Calibration with a Mono-Plane Target


The paper addresses two problems related to 3D camera calibration using a single mono-plane calibration target with circular control marks. The first problem is how to compute accurately the locations of the features (ellipses) in images of the target. Since the structure of the control marks is known beforehand, we propose to use a shape-specific searching technique to find the optimal locations of the features. Our experiments have shown this technique generates more accurate feature locations than the state-of-the-art ellipse extraction methods. The second problem is how to refine the control mark locations with unknown manufacturing errors. We demonstrate in a case study, where the control marks are laser printed on a A4 paper, that the manufacturing errors of the control marks can be compensated to a good extent so that the remaining calibration errors are reduced significantly. 1

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