Acting around in young offender rehabilitation: investigating how psychological theory fused with drama techniques can create a model (the V² model) for reducing crime when working with young offenders within the community


Background. The rehabilitation of young offenders remains an important objective and presents increasing demands upon the criminal justice system. Creative methods have previously been seen as an add-on approach to offender behaviour programmes, often viewed as merely a means of increasing engagement and attendance. The main focus of this thesis explored how the arts, in particular drama, can positively contribute to the process of reducing reoffending behaviour and reoffending rates with male young offenders serving community sentences. Methods. The sample included in this thesis consisted of 72 male young offenders aged 10-18 years of age (mean age 15 years, SD = 1.66), referred by Birmingham Youth Offending Service over a period of 18 months, to the Recre8 company, which used the V2 method of drama based intervention. Data was gathered over three intervals: pre-intervention; post intervention; and at three months follow-up. The three main aims of the investigation were; (i) to see if the psychology based drama interventions could ensure offender engagement and attendance; (ii) to examine the effectiveness of the V2 model in relation to reducing or eliminating recidivism; and (iii) to explore what impact the V2 model had on the development of self-esteem, confidence and personal and social development of the young offender participants. The CRIME PICS II questionnaire was used to collect data about participants. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were undertaken with a sample of 10 offenders, asking them for their views on the V2 intervention programme at the three months follow-up stage. Results. A completion rate of 91.5% was demonstrated by offenders who took part in all of their sessions on the V2 programmes. There was shown to be a significant (P<0.001) reduction in those classed as medium risk offenders at pre-intervention (60%) to low risk by three months follow-up (25%). A corresponding increase was observed in those classed as low risk at pre-intervention (40%) by the three months follow-up (75%). A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted on the preintervention post-intervention and follow-up scores on all five sub-scales of the CRIME PICS II questionnaires as well as Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale. Results showed significant positive improvements from preintervention to three months follow-up in all six measures (general attitude towards offending (G) p <.001; anticipation of reoffending (A) p <.001; victim hurt denial (V) p = .004; evaluation of crime as worthwhile (E) p <.001; perception of current life problems (P) p <.001 and Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale p = .054). The semi-structured interviews identified three main themes: ‘Programme distinctiveness’; ‘Going above and beyond’; and ‘Change: “offending itself is stupid”’. Subthemes were identified for each of these and are discussed and explored further within the thesis. Conclusion. This thesis bridges the research gap in the areas of rehabilitating young male offenders, by utilising a mixed methods approach, highlighting the benefits of drama interventions, and in particular with low and medium risk offenders, producing a scientific framework to measure the impact of behavioural change with in a creative intervention. This research thesis contributes towards the literature around the arts and rehabilitation models for young male offenders

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