Ultra-Fast Passenger Transport Options Enabled by Reusable Launch Vehicles


The latest architecture of the SpaceLiner 7 configuration is described including major geometrical and mass data. Some elements of the next iteration step, the SpaceLiner 8, are highlighted, having its focus on most recent analyses, partially not previously published. A passenger rescue capsule is intended to be used in case of extreme emergencies. The design of the cabin and the ejection system is refined in a systems engineering approach to obtain a feasible and viable solution. Multibody simulations of the emergency capsule separation are performed in a wide range of flight conditions and technical challenges are identified. The adaptation of the large unmanned booster stage, currently under way might include a new wing lay-out capable of swiveling-out in the lower speed regime. Advantages and technical challenges of this approach are addressed in the paper. Simulated 6DOF ascent trajectories analyze behavior of the Thrust Vector Control system in case of wind and gusts interacting with the winged configuration in nominal and off-nominal conditions

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