Coupling Filter-Based Thermal Desorption Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry with Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Molecular Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol


Filter-based thermal desorption (F-TD) techniques, such as the filter inlet for gases and aerosols, are widely employed to investigate the molecular composition and physicochemical properties of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Here, we introduce an enhanced capability of F-TD through the combination of a customized F-TD inlet with chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) and ultraperformance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (UPLC/ESI-MS). The utility of F-TD/CIMS + UPLC/ESI-MS is demonstrated by application to α-pinene ozonolysis SOA for which increased filter aerosol mass loading is shown to slow the evaporation rates of deposited compounds. Evidence for oligomer decomposition producing multimode F-TD/CIMS thermograms is provided by the measurement of the mass fraction remaining of monomeric and dimeric α-pinene oxidation products on the filter via UPLC/ESI-MS. In situ evaporation of aerosol particles suggests that α-pinene-derived hydroperoxides are thermally labile; thus, analysis of particle-phase (hydro)peroxides via F-TD may not be appropriate. A synthesized pinene-derived dimer ester (C₂₀H₃₂O₅) is found to be thermally stable up to 200 °C, whereas particle-phase dimers (C₁₉H₃₀O₅) are observed to form during F-TD analysis via thermally induced condensation of synthesized pinene-derived alcohols and diacids. The complementary F-TD/CIMS + UPLC/ESI-MS method offers previously inaccessible insight into the molecular composition and thermal desorption behavior of SOA that both clarifies and expands on analysis via traditional F-TD techniques

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