Radiography teaching under the lens- using student therapeutic radiographers as co-researchers to re-imagine teaching observation


• Author(s) Nick White • Keywords Teaching quality, observation. • Introduction The introduction of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) has heralded a greater scrutiny on the quality of teaching and learning in universities. This assessment has traditionally been made via teaching observation and rarely involves students as participants in the process. In this project our aim was to re-imagine teaching assessment as a partnership between our radiotherapy teaching team and our students who acted as co-observers and co-researchers1. • Method Over a two year period, two members of academic staff and two students worked within a case study to collaboratively observe, reflect and research a range of teaching activities. Each of the two observation cycles included pre-sessional frame setting, discussion, observation and then debrief through dialogue. In cycle 2 the focus of observation was student led. Their chosen focus was observation and analysis of how peer to peer interactivity affects group work. Reflective accounts from within each of the research cycles provided a corpus of data for our analysis. In this paper the outcome from the second cycle of co-observation is reported. • Results Students provided critical insights into the role that group interaction and group cohesiveness has on the perceived success of teaching and learning activities. Our students readily identified differing learning styles employed by their peers and this framed their understanding of the effectiveness of the taught sessions. Students described the process of learning as dynamic and complex. In particular students determined the importance of social cohesion of the tutor group as being a factor that determines the success of learning activities, and that the tutors were successful where they were able to exploit and ‘work’ this group dynamic. • Discussion and Conclusion Students provide valuable insights that we have used to assess and evaluate our teaching and learning activities. These are most powerfully used when students work collaboratively with tutors in a formalised manner. Classroom learning is traditionally ‘messy’ and assessment of ‘effectiveness’ is nuanced by many factors some of which can only be validated from the perspective of learners themselves. Ref 1-

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