
Distance-related Properties of Corona of Certain Graphs


A graph G is called a m−eccentric point graph if each point of G has exactly m ≥ 1 eccentric points. When m = 1, G is called a unique eccentric point (u.e.p) graph. Using the notion of corona of graphs, we show that there exists a m−eccentric point graph for every m ≥ 1. Also, the eccentric graph Ge of a graph G is a graph with the same points as those of G and in which two points u and v are adjacent if and only if either u is an eccentric point of v or v is an eccentric point of u in G. We obtain the structure of the eccentric graph of corona G ◦ H of self-centered or non-self-centered u.e.p graph G with any other graph H and obtain its domination number

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