
Magnetoresistive response of a high mobility 2DES under electromagnetic wave excitation


Oscillations of the resistance observed under electromagnetic wave excitation in the high mobility GaAs/AlGaAs 2DES are examined as a function of the radiation frequency and the power, utilizing an empirical lineshape based on exponentially damped sinusoids. The fit-analysis indicates the resistance oscillation frequency, F, increases with the radiation frequency, n, at the rate dF/dn = 2.37 mTesla/GHz; the damping parameter, a, is approximately independent of n at constant power; and the amplitude, A, of the oscillations grows slowly with the incident power, at a constant temperature and frequency. The lineshape appears to provide a good description of the data.Comment: presented at the 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Edinburgh, Scotland, 29 July - 2 August 200

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