
Social pedagogy: a scoping project for Derbyshire County Council; summary report


Derbyshire County Council (DCC) is committed to promoting positive outcomes for children and young people who are ‘Looked After’. The Authority has found that promoting a social pedagogical approach appears to have a positive impact for stakeholders. In autumn 2012 representatives from DCC’s Children and Younger Adults department met with a team of University of Derby staff from the faculty of Education Health and Sciences (EHS) to discuss the potential to further promote and embed social pedagogy into the daily worng practice of DCC staff and carers. It was agreed that an initial research project to ascertain the potential for training in social pedagogy for DCC employees was a necessary component for achieving this aim. The project involved a range of research approaches including a desk based review of literature, a number of face to face, telephone and group interviews, and an online survey. In total 209 Individuals participated in the research including managers, practitioners and foster carers. This report presents a summary of the findings of the research including a number of options and recommendations for developing an approach to teaching and training the County’s children and young people’s workforce in this aspect of their professional practice.Derbyshire County Counci

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