Kütüphane ve Bilgi Merkezi Çalışanları Arasındaki Etik Dışı Davranışlara Bir Örnek: Psikolojik Taciz (Mobbing) = An Example of Unethical Behaviours Among The Library and Information Center Workers: Psychological Harassment (Mobbing)


Although the professional titles and ranks are different, everyone who is working in the field of information and documentation management has the responsibility of performing this profession in an ethical frame. This profession requires an academical education and specilisation as well as its service is required by certaing groups in society; and it has its own professional organisation and ethical rules. Anyone who choses this profession also carries the responsibilities of it. At the same he/she bears the honour of the profession that is different from any other pride and beyond of it. To systematically treat the people who work at lower rank in a manner that is hostile which can be accepted as psychological/moral harassment is againts the human rights and professional ethic; and it cannot be accepted whatever the reason. The starting point of the study is based on a hypothesis for which if anyone who is subject to a psychological/moral harassment is informed about the issue he/she can draw much easier a road map to find a solution to this unpleasant situation. The aims of this study are to determine the possible behaviours that will be described as psychological/moral harassment, and possible preventive actions againts them; and to inform the people who are working in the field of information and documentation management. In the research some of the moral harassment incidents in Turkey are taken as samples; those of incidents are examined according to the legal issues; and are compared with different overseas applications. As conclusion, the immediate actions against moral harassment; the legal rights of workers; responsibilities of employer; legal issues and human rights; and solutions are discussed

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