
Bell's theorem refuted in line with Bell's hope and Einstein's ideas


Supporting Einstein's advocacy for local realism and hidden-variables, we show that measurement outcomes (manifest-variables) reveal the equivalence classes to which hidden-variables belong. We show that equivalence classes are the fundamental concepts that any analysis of measurement requires. We show that the correlation of manifest-variables equates to the pre- and post-measurement correlation of equivalence classes. We show that, though hidden-variables remain hidden, manifest-variables enable us to name their equivalence classes. Revealing the local realistic variables that alone determine measurement outcomes, we identify Bell's unrealistic assumption about measurements and refute his theorem. Responding to Bell’s hope for a simple constructive model of quantum entanglement, we also deliver Einstein's wish for a classical account of EPR correlations. We thus provide a basis for understanding quantum mechanics in terms of local realism and deterministic digital outcomes

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