An Investigation of Interactions with Multimodal Graphs on Mobile Devices


PhD thesisThe increasingly broad spectrum of interaction contexts has pushed back the limitations of the Graphical User Interface. However, while the benefits of multimodal computing are increasingly to be found, visually impaired users remain faced with many challenges that prevent them from fully exploiting the benefits of graphical information. This thesis aims to contribute to the research area of accessible graphical information, and to propose a methodological framework for improving multimodal graph interaction. The experiments described in this thesis employ mobile “tablet” devices, as these are an already well established tool within education, and their form factor appears to be well suited to undertaking tasks represented on a surface which is both accessible and provides sufficient space to afford a fair degree of graphical resolution. Three central questions examined in this thesis are as follows: 1) How accurately can visually impaired users estimate the values of data points rendered in auditory graphs presented on a mobile device? 2) Are there modes of interaction which can improve the ability of visually impaired people to perform point estimation tasks presented on a mobile device? 3) What format should the auditory display take to enable accurate understanding and efficient processing of auditory graphs? An analysis of point estimation errors and the correlation between the predicted and actual data points was used to examine the first question. The way in which RMSEs and correlation values vary, generally worsening, as the numbers of data points in the presented auditory graphs are increased is described in detail. Multi touch gestures are then investigated as an alternative approach to passive listening as a means of making point estimation tasks more active and engaging, which in turn might lead to improved performance (question 2). The investigation showed that the additional touch modality enabled visually impaired users to perform point estimation tasks with higher correlations with actual values and lower point estimation errors. The analysis reveals that combining audio playback with user interaction offers an advantage over auditory graph presentation requiring only passive listening. In the final two studies of the thesis, we examine different approaches to the presentation of Y coordinates in auditory graphs (question 3), including the representation of negative numbers. These studies involved both normally sighted and visually impaired users, as there are applications where normally sighted users might employ auditory graphs, such as the unseen monitoring of stocks, or fuel consumption in a car. A mixed methods approach was employed combining quantitative statistics with qualitative data from interviews and informal feedback to form a rounded picture of the results of the studies. The experiments employed tablet-based prototypes and data was captured primarily using audio recordings, notes on a laptop and digital timing data. Participants were recruited appropriately from the visually impaired and normally sighted populations, and were mostly resident either in London or Jakarta. Multi-reference sonification schemes are investigated as a means of improving the performance of mobile non-visual point estimation tasks. The results showed that both populations are able to carry out point estimation tasks with a good level of performance when presented with auditory graphs using multiple reference tones. Additionally, visually impaired participants performed better on graphs represented in this format than normally sighted participants. This work contributes to the introduction of a new multimodal approach, based on the combination of audio and multi-touch gesture interaction, contributing to more accurate point estimation and graph reproduction tasks, improving the accessibility of tablet and smartphone user interfaces

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