The Use of Prototypes to Engage Stakeholders in Low- and Middle-Income Countries During the Early Phases of Design


Human-centered design processes have been leveraged to help advance solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. Early and frequent engagement with stakeholders is a key activity of early-stage human-centered design processes that leads to better alignment of product requirements with the needs of stakeholders and the context of the artifact. There are many tools to support early stakeholder engagement. A subset of methods includes the use of prototypes – tangible manifestations of design ideas. However, prototypes are underutilized in early design activities to engage stakeholders, notably during cross-cultural design in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). In such contexts, prototypes have the potential to bridge contextual and cultural differences, which is especially critical when designing for LMICs where many proposed solutions have failed to meet people’s needs. To investigate the roles of prototypes to engage stakeholders in LMICs, I used both qualitative and quantitative research methods emphasizing both engineering design and economics theory and methods. Specifically, I conducted an interview-based study with industry practitioners and investigated two prototype-based stakeholder engagement methods in practice in LMICs. I conducted semi-structured interviews focused on the use of prototypes to engage stakeholders in early design stages with 24 medical device design practitioners from multinational and global health companies. Practitioners described the types of stakeholders, prototypes, and settings leveraged during front-end design and the associations of engagement strategies, stakeholders, prototypes, and/or settings. I further studied the practices of global health design practitioners working on medical devices for use in LMICs and described their approaches to tackle stakeholder remoteness, explore the environment of use, bridge cultural gaps, adjust the engagement activities to stakeholders, and work with limited resources. My analysis of requirements elicitation interviews with 36 healthcare practitioners from two hospitals in Ghana revealed participant preferences when viewing three, one, or no prototypes. The findings indicate that stakeholders preferred interviews with prototypes and in the absence of a prototype, stakeholders referenced existing or imaginative devices as a frame of reference. I investigated the preferences for, willingness to pay for, and usage of a novel tool for electronic-waste recycling with 105 workers in North-Eastern Thailand. Workers were assigned to one of two conjoint experiments that leveraged different prototype forms. Workers further completed baseline and endline surveys and participated in a Becker-Degroot-Marschak auction experiment. The results showed that the prototype form used in the conjoint experiment affected the valuation of product features. One-month evaluation of usage revealed that participants who received the new tool decreased their injury rates and increased productivity. This research provides new insights into the practices and teachings of prototype usage for stakeholder engagement during early design stages, contributes to the developing body of literature that recognizes the unique design constraints associated with designing for LMICs, and advances approaches for promoting more inclusive design practices. The description of the types of stakeholders, prototypes, settings, and strategies leveraged by industry practitioners when engaging stakeholders in LMICs are potentially transferable to, and can have a broader impact on, other contexts in which prototypes are used to engage stakeholders. Furthermore, both applied studies illustrate the effect of using different numbers of prototypes and different prototype forms on the outcomes of the two commonly used stakeholder engagement methods – interviewing and conjoint analysis. The applied studies provide examples of stakeholder engagement methods with prototypes in LMIC settings in practice.PHDDesign ScienceUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies

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