Performance comparison of pitch angle controllers for 2 MW wind turbine


As wind energy is becoming more and more signicant for renewable energy, eectiveness of pitch angle controller plays crucial role to achieve higher performance and optimized turbine designs. Aerodynamic performance of wind turbine rotor and consecutively electrical power production of turbine depend on the efficiency of pitch controller design. This work presents the eects of two dierent pitch angle controllers on a 2 MW DFIG type wind turbine under Matlab Simulink environment. The main objective of the pitch controller is to regulate the rotor and generator speed as the input of the controller was generator speed where the output of the controller is to determine the pitch angle. PI and PID control methodologies were used to design pitch controller of the turbine. Through the controller design iterations, settling time, overshoot value, error values and power output values are decided for comparison parameters. Both controller performances in terms of transient and steady state are evaluated

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