Some aspects of dynamic computational modelling of direct current plasma arc phenomena


Direct current arc furnaces see considerable use in modern industrial melting and smelting processes. Pyrometallurgical applications for this type of furnace are wide-ranging, and include commodities such as Ferrochrome, Ferronickel, Cobalt, Zinc, Magnesium, Titanium Dioxide, Platinum-group metals1, and others. Central to the operation of such furnaces is the direct current plasma arc, a sustained high temperature jet of ionised gas which is formed between the end of one or more graphite electrodes and the bath of molten process material below. Passage of electric current through the arc inputs energy and maintains the high temperatures necessary for ionisation via ohmic heating. This is balanced by various mechanisms of energy loss from the arc, including volumetric radiation and convection to the molten bath surface below. Much of this energy is delivered to a localised area directly beneath the arc, making it a very efficient means of heating the process material. Flow of plasma in the arc column is driven strongly by electromagnetic Lorentz forces resulting from the constriction of the conduction channel in the vicinity of the electrode. This constriction causes the arc to draw in gas from the surroundings and accelerate it away from the electrode surface, toward the molten bath below (the Maecker effect2). Much research has been conducted in the area of numerical modelling of arc phenomena, starting with Szekely and co-workers3 and becoming increasingly more sophisticated with the advent of better software, property data, and increased computing capability. However, the majority of arc modelling efforts concentrate on steady-state, axisymmetric systems. While valuable from an engineering standpoint these models are not able to describe any transient behaviour exhibited by the arc, or any evolution of the shape and structure of the arc which breaks the symmetry imposed by the model. Both of these aspects are important for a deeper understanding of direct current plasma arc behaviour

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