Penetrating abdominal wound caused by a close-distance blank cartridge pistol shot: a case report.


Blank cartridge pistols, which are produced for self-defense needs and considered harmless, can be easily purchased by adults due to lack of legal regulations. We present this case because injuries caused by blank cartridge pistol shots may be fatal and are rarely encountered in emergency departments. A 15-year-old boy was brought to the emergency department with a wound on his abdomen caused by a blank cartridge pistol shot. Physical examination revealed an entrance wound, 1 cm in diameter, with a ring-shaped abrasion, 4 cm in diameter, and a surrounding area of contusion, just 2 cm caudal to the left arcus costarum on the anterior axillary line. Muscular defense and rebound tenderness were present in all quadrants of the abdomen. The patient underwent an exploratory laparotomy. At the time of surgery, a proximal jejunal perforation on the antimesenteric side, approximately 1 cm in diameter, and left-sided hematoma of the greater omentum were identified. A wedge resection of the perforated jejunal loop with end-to-end anastomosis and partial left-sided omentectomy were performed. A mass education on the dangers of these guns and the harm they can cause as well as legal regulations for their restricted use seem to be necessary. Physicians should keep in mind that blank cartridge guns can cause fatal injuries

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