Attentional disengagement biases in social anxiety disorder


Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a mental disorder characterized by significant fear and anxiety about social situations that may attract attention from others. Selective attention in social anxiety is characterized by a preferential attention to external threatening stimuli. The aim of this study is to test the influence of social anxiety on attentional disengagement bias. Attentional biases are phenomena where attention preferentially targets threatening stimuli. Attention is hypothesized to consist of three processes: engagement, shifting, and disengagement. Previous studies have suggested that people with SAD have impaired attentional engagement with the threatening stimuli. However, recent studies have used the dot-probe task to measure the attentional biases to show that people with SAD have impaired attentional disengagement. However, the dot-probe task is not suitable for separately assessing attentional disengagement or engagement biases. Therefore, we used a gap/overlap task, which can measure attentional disengagement bias, in 16 university students from high and low SAD groups. Faces were used as stimuli for the gap/overlap task (i.e., angry/happy/neutral). The results showed no significant difference between the high and low SAD groups in their attentional disengagement bias. We discussed the possible causes of this discrepancy between the previous studies and the current study in the relationship between social anxiety and attentional disengagement bias

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