Influence of near-leading edge curvature on the performance of aero-engine intake lips at high-incidence


This paper describes the investigation into the flow over the lip of subsonic engine intakes at incidence, focusing on the shock wave-boundary layer interaction occurring over the inner lip. A baseline geometry is considered along with two variations, characterised by a sharper and a blunter intake highlight (i.e.: nacelle leading edge) respectively. Results to date reveal a relatively benign interaction for the baseline model, with small or no shock- induced separation reported under on-design conditions, which correspond to typical take- off or climb circumstances. The alternative geometries reveal a considerable influence of near-highlight curvature on the flow development. In particular, a blunter nose leads to the formation of a larger supersonic region, terminated by a consequently stronger shock, which shows a greater degree of shock-induced separation and increased total pressure losses and unsteadiness. The sharp nose, on the other hand, resulted in the compression occurring via three separate shock-waves, all of which weak. Overall, none of the three intake geometries showed inherently unsteady behaviour. However, this is expected to occur as the engine flow demand increases. Further testing is in progress to assess off-design performance and to produce a complete operational envelope for intakes at incidence

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