Development of a compact system for in-situ X-ray scattering studies of organic thin film deposition


We have developed a compact vacuum deposition chamber for in-situ x-ray scattering studies of organic thin film growth. The system is based on a small cylindrical chamber that can be mounted on a standard four-circle diffractometer. Incident and scattered x-rays enter and exit the chamber through a curved Be foil window that covers 200 degrees, and is sealed to the body of the chamber. The sample is mounted on a support tube with heating and cooling from liquid nitrogen temperature to >100°C. Integral to the sample stage is a multi-wire feedthrough to facilitate in-situ electrical transport characterization of organic semiconductor thin films. This is one of the novel capabilities of the system. In addition, the sample stage is mounted on a rotary vacuum feedthrough, which is mechanically coupled to the "phi" stage of the diffractometer. An effusion cell, shutter, and quartz oscillator thickness monitor are also incorporated into the system, which is pumped by a small turbomolecular pump. The system thus configured is capable of access to full reciprocal space, within the limits of the Be window. Results of initial experiments performed at the 48-pole wiggler beamline A2, at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source show that in-situ x-ray scattering is sensitive to the early stages of nucleation and growth of organic semiconductor thin films

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