A Bibliometric Analysis on Costs Estimation of Building Retrofit


Buildings are responsible for approximatively 40% of energy consumptions and 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU. In developed countries, any intervention carried out for buildings' sustainability improvement is related to energy retrofit. Energy retrofit can be considered as a subset of sustainability management and is one of the key issues to be taken into account for the setup of an effective asset and portfolio management strategy. Among asset management core functions, sustainability management is one of those which must be encompassed in a strategic framework for effectively reaching the goals of the organisation. Within this context, sustainability of buildings should be evaluated according to the environmental, economic and social point of view. These different issues require specific assessment methodologies and metrics. Therefore, in this article, a bibliometric analysis on costs estimation is presented, focusing on Life Cycle Costing methodology for energy retrofit interventions. Articles have been investigated through bibliometric, trend and cluster analysis on a sample of 167 articles. The research has been carried out on one of the most acknowledged databases as Scopus and allowed to identify main trends and dynamics of the scientific literature

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