
As a science of Life and Health, the different branches of Ayurveda have evolved over the long period as health being mainly concerned with preventing as well as curing the diseases. With change in time and life style of people, increased pace of life the symptoms of some disease become violent. There are few diseases which have simple pathology but difficult to cure that called as Kshudra-roga. Kadar is one of such kind of disease, which give more trouble for patient & intervenes with routine work. Acharya Shushruta describes ‘Kadar’ under “Kshudra-roga”.  Acharya Bhoj also describes this disease. In modern sciences it can be compare with corn.                A Corn is a specially-shaped callus of dead skin that occurs on thin or glabrous surface of toe. Repeated injuries and friction to sole cause the corn. Wearing defective wear, thorn prick, etc can also cause the corn. Corn is being treated by using anti NSAID drugs, salicylic acid, corn cap, and at end surgery. There is no satisfactory and permanent treatment available for corn and have its high recurrence tendency. Shalyatantra has been hailed as the most important branch of Ayurveda. The uniqueness of Shalyatantra s due to the availability of duel treatment procedure i.e., Shlya Karma (surgical procedure) & Anushastra karma (para surgical procedure like Agnikarma, Raktamokshana etc,) Acharya Shushruta has advices Utkartan (excision) followed by ‘Agnikarma’. it is best treatment for prevent recurrences of Kadar

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