Value Education : Need Of The Hour & Great Opportunity For The Librarians.


This article was presented as a Seminar Paper in the Refresher Course held at University of Pune in Dec 2003- Jan 04.Today's education gives importance to the total marks, merit positions, awards & such thing. The education system has changed into the examination system & now it is becoming an information system; pushing back the value system that the earlier system used to emphasize. An education should be rooted to culture and committed to progress. Indian heritage, culture & values need to be thoroughly studied, analyzed & incorporated comprehensively in the education system. In achieving the above goal librarians can definitely help the educators. They can re-establish the self-confidence of the youth, show them the way of regaining their faith in themselves & it should be done with a spiritual touch. The aim of our teaching should be to help manifest this spirit in every thought, word and action. Shree Aurobindo says, Education to be complete must have principal aspects relating to the five primary activities of the Human being : the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic & the spiritual. Librarians should take this moral task into our hands & start teaching the students this great spirituality for their successful, value-based, moral & peaceful life with the help of books, guidance etc..Dr. A.R.D. Prasa

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