Metadata Architecture for Digital Libraries: Conceptual framework for Indian Digital Libraries


This paper describes approach of development of Metadata solution for digital library architecture for resource description and retrieval. This deals with the concept of Metadata [2], the different Metadata standards (Dublin core in particular [5]), Digital library environment, computer network capabilities etc. This paper also discusses two of the Digital Library architecture protocols, for resource description and retrieval. They are STARTS (Stanford Protocol Proposal for Internet Retrieval and Search) [8] and SODA (Smart Objects and Dump Archives)[13] architecture to arrive at a possible protocol that would help to build Indian Digital Libraries [5]. While proposing the new architecture the existing Indian environment with respect to information sources and user's query of the information sources [5.1], which are feasible for launch of this protocol for information processing and retrieval has been dealt with. This is a pilot study which the author has done while doing his Fulbright fellowship in the College of Library Information Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD during 1999-2000

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