Intellectual Property Rights of Electronic Information in the Age of Digital Convergence


The laws of intellectual property aim to protect owners of the literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works; designs, innovations and inventions from unauthorized use or exploitation by some one else. Though every country has enacted laws to protect intellectual property of its citizens, many infringements take place and a majority of them end up in courts of law. The developments in information and communication technologies made the situation grimmer. This paper briefly explains the copyright and protection of electronic information, its security in network environment, and copyright provisions for databases, multimedia works, and computer software. The relevant provisions of the European Union, the American and the Indian legislative developments as well as the international efforts were touched. The various facets of the information Technology Act and the recently tabled Communications Convergence Bill have been discussed. Despite all the legislative efforts, a level playing field is needed for the rights owners, publishers, library professionals and user

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