Meki materijali za trajno podlaganje mobilnih proteza


Materials that have been used for permanent lining of removable dentures have long elastic phase and, therefore, their usage is indicated in patients -where the age, general health status and the condition of oral tissues require the permanent coushioning effect upon oral mucosa. This article describes their chemical composition and physical properties, as -well as the factors determining their stability in the oral environment. The numerous advantages and disadvantages of these materials in the clinical practice have been emphasized and the procedure of their clinical usage has been clearly outlined.Materijali za trajno podlaganje mobilnih proteza imaju dugu elastičnu fazu, pa je njihova primena indikovana kod pacijenata kod kojih starost, opšte zdravstveno stanje ili stanje oralnih tkiva zahtevaju trajno amortizovanje mastikatornih sila. U radu su opisani kemijski sastav, fizičke osobine ovih materijala kao i faktori koji determinišu njihovu postojanost u oralnoj sredim. Istaknute su brojne prednosti, kao i nedostaci mekih materijala i opisan je postupak njihove kliničke primene

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