
Taila kalpana has widely used dosage form described in Ayurvedic formulations for both external and internal use. Taila murchana is the first step of Taila preparation. Murchana has been adopted for enhancing the potency of oil and to remove the bad odour and Amadosa. In classics Tailas like Tilataila (sesame), Eranda (Castor) taila, Katu (Mustard) Taila needs Murchanaas preliminary process of Taila paaka. It has been mentioned in detail for the first time in Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Fat/Water soluble active principles of drugs are extracted into medicated oil in this method. Taila with Murchana are having more therapeutic potency and shelf life than crude Taila. The process of Murchana has high significance in today's scenario of globalization and the urge for better therapeutic efficacy. Hence the process of Murchana must be strictly included as the prerequisites of any medicated oil preparations. In this article an attempt has been done to review concepts regarding Taila murchana in literature of Ayurvedic pharmaceutics

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