
PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) is probably fastest growing health hazard amongst women of reproductive age. The prevalence of this disease in general population is about 5-10% world-wide where as relatively high prevalence in Indian subcontinent (52%). It is characterized by a combination of hyperandrogenism (clinical or biochemical), chronic anovulation and polycystic ovaries. This is frequently associated with insulin resistance and obesity. This particular feminine disorder is not described word to word in Ayurveda. PCOS associated some features are closely related with some of Yonivyapada yet some features nearly bring into its relation with Aartvadushti. PCOS can be better understood with the help of three basic principles given by Acharya Charak: Vikarprakriti, Adhisthanantara, Samutthanvishesha. Maximum congruence of PCOS can be established with Bandhya Yonivyapada. An attempt is made to understand Nashtartva which is the cardinal feature of Bandhya. Word Aartava has been used extensively in Samhita in context of menstrual blood, ovum and ovarian hormones. Therefore Amenorrhea, anovulation, hormonal dysfunction are considered exposed manifestations of Nashtartva. Possible line of treatment is stipulated with Nidanaparivarjan, Samshodhana, Aaganeya Dravya, Savayonivardhana Dravya

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