Fluctuations in the two-dimensional one-component plasma and associated fourth-order phase transition


6 pages, 2 figures. Final version6 pages, 2 figures. Final version6 pages, 2 figures. Final versionWe study the distribution of the mean radial displacement of charges of a 2D one-component plasma in the thermodynamic limit NN\to\infty at finite temperature β>0\beta>0. We compute explicitly the large deviation functions showing the emergence of a fourth-order phase transition as a consequence of a change of topology in the plasma distribution. This weak phase transition occurs exactly at the ground state of the plasma. These results have been compared with the integrable case (finite NN) of plasma parameter βq2=2\beta q^2=2. In this case the problem can be mapped to the stationary properties of 2D Dyson Brownian particles and to a non-Hermitian matrix model

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