Perancangan Aplikasi Prediksi Produksi Kopi dengan Metode Single Moving Average


Predictions are very useful especially in the fields of marketing, production, finance and other economic fields. Prediction is basically a guess or estimate about the occurrence of an event or event in the future. Predictions can be qualitative, meaning that they are not numbers. Predictions can also be quantitative, meaning numbers. Quantitative predictions can take the form of single predictions (point forcast) and interval predictions (forcast intervals). Results of MAD calculation methods 14.11 7.89 9.62 MSE 394.93 247.58 296.40 MAPE 1.8% 0.91% 1.07% which is suitable for predicting coffee production at PT. Indo Cafco is a bi-monthly Single Moving Average method because it has the lowest Mean Absolute Devinition (MAD), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and also the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE)

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