Management of ST-elevation myocardial infarction in the Umbria region: results from the observational prospective Umbria-STEMI registry


Vita.Twenty-three multi-adversity resistant (MAR) cotton strains and two commercial cultivars were used to study the associations between root leachate components, rhizosphere-rhizoplane microflora, yield, earliness, and resistance to three soil-borne diseases. Short term collection of root leachates from 18-, 30-, and 55-day-old cotton plants showed significant cultivar differences in electrical resistance, carbohydrate and cation concentrations. Concentrations of carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, and sodium were the same for 18- and 30-day-old plants, but were significantly lower for 55-day-old plants. Magnesium ion concentrations were high for 18-day-old plants with a significant reduction at 30 days. Electrical resistance increased significantly between 18- and 30-day-old plants with a significant reduction between 30- and 55-day-old plants. Average populations of rhizosphere bacteria and actinomycetes were the same for 18- and 30-day-old plants with significant increase for 55-day-old plants. The trends for rhizoplane microorganisms were just the opposite of the rhizosphere microflora populations. Changes in ratios of rhizosphere-rhizoplane microorganisms occurred as the plants matured with significant differences occurring between 30 and 55 days. Calcium and sodium concentrations had the greatest overall associations with root zone microflora populations and ratios for 18-day-old plants. For 30-day-old plants, the most consistant root leachate components for root zone microflora models were calcium, potassium, carbohydrate, and electrical resistance. Calcium and magnesium were associated with root zone microflora from 55-day-old plants. Statistical models indicated that calcium from 18-day-old plants was negatively associated and sodium and magnesium were positively associated with high incidence of damping-off. The effects of calcium and sodium were simulated in in vitro experiments with unsterilized field soil artificially infested with R. solani..

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