Data Storage, Security And Techniques In Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is the computing technology which provides resources like software, hardware, services over the internet. Cloud computing provides computation, software, data access, and storage services that do not require end- user knowledge of the physical location and configuration of the system that delivers the services. Cloud computing enables the user and organizations to store their data remotely and enjoy good quality applications on the demand without having any burden associated with local hardware resources and software managements but it possesses a new security risk towards correctness of data stored at cloud. The data storage in the cloud has been a promising issue in these days. This is due to the fact that the users are storing their valuable data and information in the cloud. The users should trust the cloud service providers to provide security for their data. Cloud storage services avoid the cost storage services avoids the cost expensive on software, personnel maintains and provides better performance less storage cost and scalability, cloud services through internet which increase their exposure to storage security vulnerabilities however security is one of the major drawbacks that preventing large organizations to enter into cloud computing environment. This work surveyed on several storage techniques and this advantage and its drawbacks

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