BCCWJ-TimeBank: Temporal and Event Information Annotation on Japanese Text


Temporal information extraction can be split into the following three tasks: tem-poral expression extraction, time normalisa-tion, and temporal ordering relation resolu-tion. This paper describes a time expression and temporal ordering annotation schema for Japanese, employing the Balanced Cor-pus of Contemporary Written Japanese, or BCCWJ. The annotation is aimed at allow-ing the development of better Japanese tem-poral ordering relation resolution tools. The annotation schema is based on an ISO anno-tation standard – TimeML. We extract verbal and adjective event expressions as ⟨EVENT⟩ in a subset of BCCWJ. Then, we annotate temporal ordering relation ⟨TLINK ⟩ on the above pairs of event and time expressions by previous work. We identify several issues in the annotation.

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