Layered THz waveguides for SPPs, filter and sensor applications


© 2019, The Author(s). Theory of five kinds of layered structure THz waveguides is presented. In these waveguides, the modified and hybrid THz surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) are researched in detail. On these modes, the effects of material in each layer are discussed. The anti-resonant reflecting mechanism is also discussed in these waveguides. The mode characteristics of both TM mode and TE mode are analyzed for guiding TM mode with low loss and TE modes with huge loss in one waveguide: the TE modes filter application is put forward. The mode characteristics for one waveguide have useful sensor applications: for TE1 mode, we find that the low cut-off frequency has a sensitivity (S) to the refractive index of the dielectric slab. The highest S can be 666.7 GHz/RIU when n2 = 1.5, w = 0 and t = 0.1 mm. We believe these results are very useful for designing practical THz devices for SPPs, filter and sensor applications

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