
Global analysis of SNPs, proteins and protein-protein interactions: approaches for the prioritisation of candidate disease genes.


PhDUnderstanding the etiology of complex disease remains a challenge in biology. In recent years there has been an explosion in biological data, this study investigates machine learning and network analysis methods as tools to aid candidate disease gene prioritisation, specifically relating to hypertension and cardiovascular disease. This thesis comprises four sets of analyses: Firstly, non synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) were analysed in terms of sequence and structure based properties using a classifier to provide a model for predicting deleterious nsSNPs. The degree of sequence conservation at the nsSNP position was found to be the single best attribute but other sequence and structural attributes in combination were also useful. Predictions for nsSNPs within Ensembl have been made publicly available. Secondly, predicting protein function for proteins with an absence of experimental data or lack of clear similarity to a sequence of known function was addressed. Protein domain attributes based on physicochemical and predicted structural characteristics of the sequence were used as input to classifiers for predicting membership of large and diverse protein superfamiles from the SCOP database. An enrichment method was investigated that involved adding domains to the training dataset that are currently absent from SCOP. This analysis resulted in improved classifier accuracy, optimised classifiers achieved 66.3% for single domain proteins and 55.6% when including domains from multi domain proteins. The domains from superfamilies with low sequence similarity, share global sequence properties enabling applications to be developed which compliment profile methods for detecting distant sequence relationships. Thirdly, a topological analysis of the human protein interactome was performed. The results were combined with functional annotation and sequence based properties to build models for predicting hypertension associated proteins. The study found that predicted hypertension related proteins are not generally associated with network hubs and do not exhibit high clustering coefficients. Despite this, they tend to be closer and better connected to other hypertension proteins on the interaction network than would be expected by chance. Classifiers that combined PPI network, amino acid sequence and functional properties produced a range of precision and recall scores according to the applied 3 weights. Finally, interactome properties of proteins implicated in cardiovascular disease and cancer were studied. The analysis quantified the influential (central) nature of each protein and defined characteristics of functional modules and pathways in which the disease proteins reside. Such proteins were found to be enriched 2 fold within proteins that are influential (p<0.05) in the interactome. Additionally, they cluster in large, complex, highly connected communities, acting as interfaces between multiple processes more often than expected. An approach to prioritising disease candidates based on this analysis was proposed. Each analyses can provide some new insights into the effort to identify novel disease related proteins for cardiovascular disease

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