
Contested understandings: The Lansbury estate in the post war period.


PhDThe Lansbury estate was the LCC's first post-war reconstruction area, it formed the Exhibition of Architecture during the Festival of Britain, and received considerable media, political, architecutral and planning attention. This coverage articulated hegemonic post-war ideas about the future, the East End and communities. I have examined this material and the representation and understandings about the estate from non-hegemonic groups. My intention has been to explore these representations and emphasise the complexity associated with the creation and negotiation of understandings about places. While the research is concerned with understandings of the Lansbury estate,I have examined the ways those meanings and understandings are created,and based my work around a conceptual critique of cultural geography. I argue that cultural geography has overly relied on hegemonic discourses produced by the powerful and neglected less powerful groups' understandings. As a result of this, some cultural geographers have over-simplified the complex ways meanings about places are created,reproduced and contested,and failed to address the range of meanings about places. This work, therefore is offered as a response to these limitations, and aims to show that to appreciate the meanings of places it is necessary to examine the understandings of hegemonic and nonhegemonic groups, and emphasise the relationships between those groups

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