Exploiting vulnerabilities of deep neural networks for privacy protection


Adversarial perturbations can be added to images to protect their content from unwanted inferences. These perturbations may, however, be ineffective against classifiers that were not seen during the generation of the perturbation, or against defenses based on re-quantization, median filtering or JPEG compression. To address these limitations, we present an adversarial attack that is specifically designed to protect visual content against unseen classifiers and known defenses. We craft perturbations using an iterative process that is based on the Fast Gradient Signed Method and that randomly selects a classifier and a defense, in each iteration. This randomization prevents an undesirable overfitting to a specific classifier or defense. We validate the proposed attack in both targeted and untargeted settings on the private classes of the Places365-Standard dataset. Using ResNet18, ResNet50, AlexNet and DenseNet161 as classifiers, the performance of the proposed attack exceeds that of eleven state-of-the-art attacks

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