
IDEAS project - Private sector health data sharing study in West Bengal


The IDEAS project sought to improve the health and survival of mothers and babies through generating evidence to inform policy and practice. This data collection is part of the formative research for the creation of a Data Informed Platform (DIPH) for Health in West Bengal to strengthen the public sector’s capacity for data-based decision-making. It consists of a rapid situational analysis of the private health sector in West Bengal to gain insights and understand the private sector’s role and relevance in maternal, newborn and child health services and data sharing. A field study of private health facilities providing maternal and newborn health services was undertaken in two districts – North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas. Face-to-face interviews with key informants from these facilities were conducted to identify existing private/public partnerships for health; the maternal and newborn health services provided by them; and the related data that private facilities shared with the public sector

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