
Population level usage of health services, and HIV testing and care, prior to decentralization of antiretroviral therapy in Agago District in rural Northern Uganda: Additional Files


A study protocol developed to investigate health service usage, particularly HIV testing and care, in 2/6 parishes of the Lapono sub-county of northern Uganda, prior to introduction of AntiRetroviral Therapy (ART) services in Lira Kato Health Centre (a local lower-level health centre III). The protocol consists of household and individual questionnaires which were administered to members of each household. These captured individual demographic and health-related information on adults (aged 15–59 years) and socioeconomic data on children living in each household. The protocol was approved by the Joint Clinical Research Centre/Research Ethical Committee (JCRC/REC), Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) and Office of the President of the Republic of Uganda

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